Wednesday, March 11, 2015

MELT MY ♥ Daily Dose - Ephesians 4:31-32 - Family Restoration; There is Hope & It starts with you...

MELT MY ♥ Daily Dose Ephesians 4:31-32(NLT)
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

Our God is a God of restoration and reconciliation. Some of us come from very broken, dysfunctional families with years of hurt, anger, malice, abuse & bitterness towards our family members.  This burden has no age; you may be a kid or adult and can be carried through generations if nothing is done about it.  I cannot emphasize the pain it causes, I have been there.  It is a process, it's not going to change overnight but the healing process is understanding that this may be spiritual; there may be a generational curse in your family that needs to be broken through Prayer.  The next step is FORGIVENESS.
Through the years I have had 'issues' with my Dad and even blamed my Mom for certain things and it took me years to understand that my parents come from a generation & culture that's different and perharps didn't know any better.  This is how there parents raised them and so forth.  Playing the blaming game was doing me no good but putting me in deep depression.  Wondering why  I didn't have a "perfect" family not realizing that I was thinking in the Flesh.  It took a LOT of work, praying, fasting, researching, for me to get to the point of forgiving.  I recently took the first step of telling my parents that I forgave them and I apologized for any wrongs I have done to them.  I prayed that they grow with me spiritually and that we start afresh.  Old things have passed away!  It was very emotional for us,  a weight was lifted off my shoulders you don't understand, I felt 100 pounds lighter and free.  
Remember nobody is perfect.  If God forgives us who are we to carry a grudge?  Everybody has issues but as children of God we have to take that first step of restoration, we have to think in the spirit, not the flesh, trust me it is hard but with discipline and perseverance you can do it.  
Even perfectly loving relationships go through moments of difficulty. Always remember that showing hatred and carrying grudges does nothing to heal a relationship; it only prolongs the suffering. Let go of the hate, and put your focus on loving one another and mending the relationship.
1 Corinthians 13:6-7 (NIV) - " Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."  Regardless of the level of difficulty you have experienced in your current family situation, it only takes love to see you through. Moments last for only a blink of an eye; therefore, put your faith in God and love, and the pain you feel now shall also pass.  Also remember we are not on earth forever, do you want to carry the guilt of not making amends?  You be that child of God and through your example trust me there will be a change.  Invite your family to church, be the bigger person, pray for them, if they start a fight, walk away and continue praying for them.  Trust me when a dog keeps barking and you pay it no attention what happens?  It Stops!:-)
Though it may seem impossible, have and show forgiveness. It takes no effort to carry hatred and anger; it shows courage and strength to forgive.  Spend time in prayer to heal and take the steps to show your love, loyalty and commitment to your family. With prayer, time and effort, you can heal a tattered relationship and resume a happier life together in Jesus name 

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